This book defines about basic physiological functions, interactions with water Quality condition, effects of fish cultural procedures, biological interactions, managing pathogen exposure.
This book define about key information for lobsters farmers and harvesters, organisation of species by genera for ease of use, coverage of parasites, pathogens and commensals, their impact, detecti…
Susunan umum edisi ini pada dasarnya tetap sama seperti pada edisi pertama. Aada sedikit pungulangsusunan bahan dan pembaruan acuan yang agak banyak. Tambahan utama ke dalam buku ini adalah bahan-b…
This book describes global fisheries and aquaculture from the points of view of sustainable ecosystems, economy, trade and development. the main objective is to provide an overview of fisheries and…
This book examine about wastewater characteristics and the effects of its discharge on receiving waters, conventional wastewater treatment processes, process fundamentals, microorganisme exploited …
Buku ini diawali dengan pembahasan ringkas mengenasi sejarah engineering, yang meneliti cikal bakal engineering dan menelusuri perkembangannya dari dulu hingga kini, yang kemudian diikuti dengan pe…